Mexico Security

Released on = April 11, 2006, 1:57 pm

Press Release Author = Executive Security Services International - Suni Ram

Industry = Defense

Press Release Summary =
To: Travel Agencies & Tourist Guide Operators:

In light of the recent events (the murder of two Canadians) in Mexico; Executive
Security Services International based out of Huntsville, Ontario (Canada) would like
to inform you of personal protection services that are available to your Canadian
clients and to others who may be travelling to Mexico, who would prefer to have
their own personal security along for the trip instead of depending on the local
hotel security.

Press Release Body =

Contact: Mr. Sunil Ram
Tel: (705) 788.1957

To: Travel Agencies & Tourist Guide Operators:

In light of the recent events (the murder of two Canadians) in Mexico; Executive
Security Services International based out of Huntsville, Ontario (Canada) would like
to inform you of personal protection services that are available to your Canadian
clients and to others who may be travelling to Mexico, who would prefer to have
their own personal security along for the trip instead of depending on the local
hotel security.

See news article in (Toronto) Sunday Sun April/10/06 - Page 15
Interviewed by A channel on Sunday April/10/06

Company Background

Executive Security Services International was founded in 1990, to protect clients in
Canada and Abroad against theft, vandalism, kidnapping, and to provide specialized
\"High-Risk\" Security Services to corporate and government clients.

Biographical Summary on the owner of ESSI, Mr. Sunil Ram:

Team leader for close protection and armed courier teams - extensive experience in
close protection; surveillance and counter-surveillance operations, private
investigations and electronic counter measures - provider of personal security
services to high profile individuals including: multinational corporate executives,
dignitaries, television., film and celebrity personalities - consultant to the
media, internationally in magazines, newspapers, radio and television on high-risk
security, counter-terrorism and protective issues.

Our staff consists of former government operatives who currently work globally
providing high-risk security services.

The cost for our services depends on such factors as the threat assessment, number
of security staff needed, the length of the trip and location of the visit, if
security staff is armed or unarmed, etc.

Services Available to your client's:

*Risk and Travel Advisories
*Threat Analysis
*Risk Management
*Hotel Security
*Personal Protection
*Executive Protection
*Dignitary Protection
*Electronic Eavesdropping

Web Site =

Contact Details = Mr. Sunil Ram
Box 5585
Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

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